Tuesday, April 30, 2013

27 Weeks

   Last week Nathan and I were able to go on our last vacation (babymoon) as just the two of us. :) We went to Charleston for a long realaxing weekend. The weather was gorgeous all day Friday and Saturday...I may or may not have gotten a farmer tan/burn. Throughout the weekend we were able to explore the city seeing the famous pineapple fountain at waterfront park, battery park, and shopping at the market. Probably one of my favorite things that we got to do was visit Fort Sumter. I know that makes me sound like a S.S. geek, but I'm teaching the Civil War right now. My students absolutely loved seeing the pictures of Fort Sumter, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired. I also took full advantage of my excuse to eat a lot and gain weight...we pigged out!!! Most evenings ending with snacking on oreos, little debbies, and frosted animal crackers. I'm sure when I'm trying to loose the baby weight I will regret that decision, but for right now i'm enjoying it.
   While in Charleston I intended to do something fun for our 27 week photo, but it just didn't happen. So, I'm going to include some of the pictures from our trip.

Red's Ice House

Pineapple Foutain

In front of Charleston Place

The view from our hotel room.

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