Sunday, March 17, 2013

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: I didn't have a chance to weigh myself at the beginning of the week due to being at Camp Thunderbird
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing maternity jeans and a top in this pic. I've bought a couple things but wasn't adventurous enough to wear them until today. I'm probably the only person excited to wear maternity clothes :)
Stretch marks? No, I keep putting the cocoa butter on hoping that will help.
Sleep: I didn't sleep very well this week but that may be due to the parent snoring next to me at Camp Thunderbird
Best moment this week: Sharing the gender of our sweet baby girl with our friends and family :)
Miss anything? Using the awesome coffee machine at Camp Thunderbird. I did cheat a little and have a cup or Dr. said it was ok ;)
Movement: Yes, I'm starting to feel movement daily!
Food cravings: Anything chocolate or sweet
Have you started to show yet? Clearly
Gender Prediction: I will take this one off next week, but I wanted to leave it on here one last time. The week before finding out the gender I had a feeling it was a girl
Labor signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Weekly wisdom: Be prepared before you go to register!!! I thought, "Oh, this won't be overwhelming." YES IT IS!!! Talk with friends that have children and do lots of research before going. Nathan and I went to register right after finding out the gender, but only put a few items on the list. We will go back later when we have done more research and have more time. :)
Looking forward to: Preparing the nursery

Nathan and I bought our first 'family' vehicle this week. It's a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee. We've been researching for a while and decided this was the make and model that we wanted. So, it was up to finding the one that suited us the best. Anyway, we are glad to have one more thing crossed off the list.  I will try to post pics of it later this week.

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