Saturday, July 27, 2013

Welcome to the world Kinsley Grace

    I know i've shared this story with several of you already, but thought I'd post it on here as well. On the morning of Tuesday, July 16th I woke up just like any normal day. As I lay in bed looking at facebook (no surprise there), I sneezed. After sneezing I realized something strange had happened....I wondered could that have been my water breaking. Upon further investigation I found it was my mucus plug. Although I thought to myself don't panic labor could be days away, I decided to get in the shower. knowing that as soon as we go into labor we will have company, I also decided to clean the bathrooms and do some laundry. Sometime between noon and 12:45 I began feeling some contractions...eventhough I wasn't quite sure if they were the real thing or not. So, I called Nathan and my dr. I had an appt. later that day, but they told me to go ahead and come in sooner. After finishing getting myself ready and the laundry we headed to the dr. Oh, and we took our bags and dropped Maggie off at a friends just in case.
    At the dr. they checked for dialation and asked a few other questions. The dr. reported that I was between 4-5 cm dialated and decided it was time to head to the hospital. We immediately called our parents and said "You'd better start driving down"....we had been in contact with them throughout this entire process so they had bags loaded and were just waiting for us to say when.
    Neither Nathan nor I had eaten all day, so eventhough I was having somewhat painful contractions we stopped to grab a bite to eat at Zaxby's. Upon arriving at the hospital, they got me to a room, hooked me up to an ivy (which was very painful since the nurse couldn't find my vain), and called for the anesthesiologist. I was so scared about how bad the epidural would hurt. However, after the ivy incident and the fear of seeing how many males would be seeing parts of me I didn't want seen, the epidural wasn't bad at all. After getting the epidural I was feeling great. Nathan and I talked for a while and sent some texts out to inform friends and family of what was going on. We also took advantage of having cable and watched some HGTV. Then, at about 11:15 it was time to push. Oh, and I forgot to mention that my female dr. had a male student working along side her (I thought he looked a little like Justin Timberlake). I told Nathan later, I couldn't even look in his direction during the labor and delivery because of the embarrasement of him seeing that area of me. I wasn't feeling much at that point but tried to push hard. Towards the end of the pushing, I began feeling some pressure and knew exactly when a contraction was coming. Miss Kinsley Grace was born on Wednesday, July 17th at 12:37am. She weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz, and was 20 in. long. I will never forget our first reaction to seeing her. I couldn't believe we had created such a sweet miracle.
    I know that not all women can say this, but the entire process wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be. I did tear pretty bad, but again it was worth it for our sweet girl.
    Since Kinsley's birth, our parents have been here helping with cleaning, cooking, and laundry. It has been wonderful to have so much help. Nathan and I haven't cooked 1 meal or had to go to the grocery store...what a blessing great parents are.
                                                      Hanging out in the hospital
                                                             Our first family photo
                                                                   First bath

                                                          Kinsley and dad snoozing
Thank you Miss Carrie for our super cute outfit!

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