Monday, July 1, 2013

36 Weeks

Week 36 also happen to inlcude my birthday. Nathan went out of his way to make the day super special. I had a free meal coupon at IHOP, so we began the day by going out for breakfast. He then went to work while I did some cleaning/relaxing around the house. Later that evening, Nathan arrived home with beautiful flowers, my gift, and a coconut cake. YUM! We went to dinner at Olive Garden and saw Man of Steel. Normally we don't spend money on going to see movies at the theatre, (it's so incredibly expensive!!!) but again I had a coupon for a free admission on your birthday. I also had a coupon for $2 off popcorn so we splurged and got a popcorn and drink. I know that sounds dorky but I think it's ridiculous to spend $6 on a small bag of popcorn. Along with all that Nathan did I enjoyed the cards and gifts I got in the mail.
p.s. I've eaten almost all of the cake by myself since Nathan hates coconut. It probably won't last past tomorrow.

How far along? 36 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain: 33lbs
Maternity clothes? believe it or not, this shirt is not maternity

Stretch marks? I've noticed a few stretch marks that i've had for years are starting to turn a darker color. BOO! I'm continuing to slather on the cocoa butter hoping that will help.

Sleep: Still not great but I keep reminding myself I only have a few more weeks of this...not that I will get much sleep after baby is born either. :)
Best moment this week: We got to see baby in an ultrasound. The tech said it looked as though she had lots of hair.  

Miss Anything? my comfort
Movement: all the time and fun to watch

Food cravings:  I requested Olive Garden as my birthday dinner. Nathan isn't a huge fan of O.G. but he took me.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: swelling and sore back
Belly Button in or out? My belly button has been changing for several weeks. I guess the best way to describe it would be flat. It hasn't begun to stick out but it's not really an inny any more.
Wedding rings on or off? On during daytime
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been more emotional recently. The simplest things will make me teary eyed.
Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet girl! Also, sitting comfortably and normal sized feet.

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