Tuesday, June 4, 2013

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 Weeks 6 days
Total weight gain:  27 lbs
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing mostly all maternity clothes, but this dress is not. It's an extremely comfortable and stretchy dress. :) 

Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep: It's difficult to find a comfy position, but once I do I can sleep ok...that is until I have to get up to pee.
Best moment this week: Beginning to wash baby B's clothes. I've often thought of which outfit will be the lucky 'coming home' outfit...she already has so many cute ones to choose from. :)

Miss Anything? I miss being able to get up off the couch without having to get help. Movement: Baby girl is shy or stubborn. Anytime she is moving and I tell Nathan to look, she stops.
Food cravings: I enjoy sweets but wouldn't call them cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: big 'ol elephant feet and legs. My doctor said that my blood pressure is fine, so it's nothing to worry about.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Summer break so I can focus on finishing the nursery and other preparations for baby B.

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