Thursday, December 20, 2012

How It All Started....

It all started about a year ago....we were driving home from a trip to Indiana. I asked Nathan what his thoughts were on when to try to begin a family. We both agreed that being a teacher, it would be easier to shoot for having a baby in the summer. Our plan was to get off birth control in July, try in Aug, have a baby in May. Little did we know things don't really work out exactly that way. I was stunned when my doctor told me there is about a 24 hr. window when you can actually conceive. So, we began our plan by stopping the use of birth control in July. When August rolled around started trying for a family, but no luck that month. A tiny bit dissapointed, we continued trying. My cycle is pretty regular, so I knew when to expect my monthly friend...Nov. 14th was that day. Well, I couldn't wait the whole day, so I took a pregnancy test first thing that morning and it was POSITIVE! I was so excited but didn't want to tell Nathan just yet. I waited until that evening so I could tell him in a special way. I had been thinking of ideas for months (since we had been trying.) However, that day's schedule was a bit stressful, so I ended up telling him by giving him a gift with a card that read "Roses are red, violets are blue, I love making babies with you" and included the postive test. He was thrilled!

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