Thursday, December 20, 2012

How It All Started....

It all started about a year ago....we were driving home from a trip to Indiana. I asked Nathan what his thoughts were on when to try to begin a family. We both agreed that being a teacher, it would be easier to shoot for having a baby in the summer. Our plan was to get off birth control in July, try in Aug, have a baby in May. Little did we know things don't really work out exactly that way. I was stunned when my doctor told me there is about a 24 hr. window when you can actually conceive. So, we began our plan by stopping the use of birth control in July. When August rolled around started trying for a family, but no luck that month. A tiny bit dissapointed, we continued trying. My cycle is pretty regular, so I knew when to expect my monthly friend...Nov. 14th was that day. Well, I couldn't wait the whole day, so I took a pregnancy test first thing that morning and it was POSITIVE! I was so excited but didn't want to tell Nathan just yet. I waited until that evening so I could tell him in a special way. I had been thinking of ideas for months (since we had been trying.) However, that day's schedule was a bit stressful, so I ended up telling him by giving him a gift with a card that read "Roses are red, violets are blue, I love making babies with you" and included the postive test. He was thrilled!

Monday, December 3, 2012

So if you are reading this, then you've already heard the great news! Nathan and I will be expecting a sweet bundle of joy in July! :) We thought a blog would be the best way to keep our friends and family involved throughout the entire pregnancy and after. We hope you enjoy the journey. :)